
Stay Active – Spinal Health

An active spine is a healthy spine. This is important at any age. The Department of Health recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each week.9 Activities such as surfing, soccer and strength training in the gym can have great benefits to your overall mental and physical health. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 56% of all Australians are not sufficiently physically active.10 This has a negative impact on your spinal health.

Benefits of regular exercise
Most physical activity can have great positive effects on the spine including the stretching, strengthening and repairing of muscles that help support your back. Regular exercise can also reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, build stronger bones, increase your energy, improve sleep patterns and so much more.

Just Start Walking
If the gym or sports field isn’t for you then walking is another great way to keep active. Some benefits of brisk walking include increasing your heart and lung fitness, muscle strength and endurance, and it contributes to a naturally upright posture.

Need a little extra help to get you walking to a healthier life? The Just Start Walking app is just what you need. This free app was developed by the Australian Chiropractors Association to encourage Australians to get outside and to get walking! The app allows you to not only map your walk, but track the distance and time taken.

The app also displays your walking history, so you can see your improvements, features local walking events near you and lets you share your walk with friends on social media.

Download the Just Start Walking app to take the first steps towards a healthier spine and be Ready for Life!

Chiropractic May Change Brain Function

Chiropractors over the years have held many theories and beliefs about Chiropractic and how it can impact a persons overall health.   Unfortunately, the research to support these beliefs has been slow to come.  Exciting new studies being published this year are finally bringing valuable evidence to support what many Chiropractors have believed all along. That Chiropractic care may be about far more than neck and back pain!

According to the ​Australian S​pinal ​R​esearch ​F​oundation (ASRF)​,​ regular Chiropractic care has been known to improve brain function by up to 20%. A Chiropractic adjustment stimulates the prefrontal cortex of the brain which is involved in behavio​ur, goal directed tasks, decision making, memory and attention. This means Chiropractic ​may influence overall cognitive function and help our bodies integrate information more efficiently*. ​​Chiropractic has also been shown to improve muscle strength, decrease muscle fatigue and speed up recovery​, which could carry substantial benefits to performance in athletes.

And the studies don’t stop there. In pregnancy studies conducted by the ​ASRF​,​ results have shown that ​Chiropractic care may ​impact the pelvic floor muscles ​helping them more during the birthing process​,​ ​which is important in supporting a natural delivery**.

In further studies conducted by the ​ASRF it was found that adjusting the spine can lead to an increase in proprioception ​which may decrease the likelihood of falls in older adults***.​  This is important research for our ageing population as Chiropractic may be able to assist them in staying mobile and independent longer through decreased risk of falling.​

​It is exciting to see that the research is beginning to support many of the widespread benefits of ​Chiropractic care.  With the​ potential for​ ​improved body function and decrease in pain levels​,​ Chiropractic ​may be able to positively contribute to your overall quality of life and help an individual begin, age and move through life as gracefully as possible.




*Lelic et al. “Manipulation of dysfunctional spinal joints affects sensorimotor integration in the pre-frontal cortex: A brain source localization study.” Neural Plasticity, Volume 1\2016

**Effect of Spinal Manipulation on Pelvic Floor Functional Changes in Pregnant and Nonpregnant Women: A Preliminary

Study. Haavik, Heidi et al. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, Volume 39 , Issue 5 , 339 – 347

***Holt, Kelly R et al, “Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care to improve Sensorimotor Function Associated With Falls Risk in Older People: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics