What to Expect

On Your First Visit

The first thing you can expect when you visit any of our practices is a smile and a friendly greeting from our caring Chiropractic assistants. We understand you may be a little apprehensive if this is your very first visit to a Chiropractor, so our experienced team will take the time to make sure you are comfortable, and that your visit with us is a pleasant one. Once you’ve met us and settled in, you’ll be asked to complete some easy paperwork, (if you haven’t done so online already), so that we can get to know you better.

Your Chiropractor will talk with you about why you have chosen to seek Chiropractic care. They will listen carefully to your explanation and determine if Chiropractic is the right choice for you. If so, your consultation will start with a case history and general health history. Following this your Chiropractor will perform an examination including postural analysis, orthopaedic testing, neurological testing, joint and muscle palpation, plus any other Chiropractic examinations that may be necessary.


In some circumstances your chiropractor will require specific postural Chiropractic X-Ray examination be taken before care can begin. An X-Ray and its Chiropractic analysis tell your Chiropractor exactly what to do. If you need x-rays to be taken your chiropractor will explain why.

Personal Chiropractic Care Plan 

Before your Chiropractor can deliver the proper care, your examination findings will be studied and a personalised Care Plan will be prepared. Generally your care will start on the next visit.

What to Expect on your Second Visit

On your second visit we take the time to carefully explain the results of your examination (including any x-rays) so you clearly understand your situation and how Chiropractic may help you. Your chiropractor will present a recommended Care Plan to get you on the road to better health!

This two-visit approach accomplishes several things:

  • Reduces the length of your first visit
  • Gives the Chiropractor the time to prepare the Best Care Plan for you
  • Gives the Chiropractor time to examine any Xrays
  • Avoids overloading you with too much information